Join us for our monthly gathering to connect, learn, and share in our passion for beekeeping. Here’s what we have planned:
Welcome & Club Business
- President’s Welcome: A brief welcome and overview of the meeting’s agenda.
- Treasurer’s Report: Update on the club’s finances.
- Membership Report: News and updates on our club membership.
- Club News: Announcements and important news items.
Speaker Presentation
Our speaker will be Frank Linton this month. His presentation will address this basic question: In your hives, what colony features can be measured, and what do those measurements reveal about the colony’s health and productivity? In short, what can you measure, and what does it tell you about what’s happening inside that opaque box?
He will provide examples of measuring and interpreting colony weight, temperature, acoustics, and flight activity using scales, thermometers, microphones, video, and radar. The presentation will also briefly cover options for sensor power and communications, along with the needs for data analysis, presentation, storage, security, and sharing.
Finally, the talk will offer a quick look at the future, exploring topics such as sensing as a service (SaS), drones, automatic mite detection, satellite analysis of forage quality, and robotic beekeeping.
Bio – Frank Linton started keeping bees in 2005, and with help, currently has a few colonies near Washington DC. He is an EAS-certified master beekeeper. He runs three honey bee-related websites (,, and and has hosted the four International Colony Monitoring Technology conferences. He has contributed over 20 articles to Bee Culture and the American Bee Journal (since 1963), and he speaks at local, regional, and international bee conferences. Frank is the author of The Observation Hive Handbook: Studying Honey Bees at Home, and co-author of Hive Tour: The Insider’s Guide to Honey Bees.
Break & Door Prizes
Take a moment to stretch your legs, grab a refreshment, and participate in our raffle. It’s a great chance to mingle with fellow members and win some beekeeping goodies!
What’s Happening In The Hive
An engaging discussion on current beekeeping activities, what to expect in your hives this time of year, and tips for managing your bees effectively.
Doors open at 12:30 PM, Meeting starts at 1:00 PM