For many new beekeepers, buying your own extractor in the first year or two is not warranted and knowing what you want in an extractor is difficult without ever going through the process of extracting. This lending program is designed to allow our new beekeepers to take advantage of a small honey harvest in their first year or two, and, have the “extraction experience”.

Extractors are available for members in good standing. They are held at different locations for convenience of pickup and drop off by members. There is a small fee ($10 for three days) for using these extractors, and members will be required to leave a $100 deposit, which will be returned when the extractor and any other equipment borrowed is returned clean and in good working order.

Extractors handle honey, and there is a small possibility of disease transfer by dirty extractors or other honey handling equipment if it is not properly disinfected between use. For this reason, it is important to thoroughly clean the extractor and equipment with a bleach solution after use, and then thoroughly rinse it. No contact with bees should be allowed after this cleaning (i.e. -don’t leave it outside to dry).

To reserve an extractor:

Email or call Bill OHern ( / 631-938-6233) to request the days you would like to use an extractor. Be sure to include “Extractor” in the email subject line.

Operating the extractor:
  1. Ensure the honey gate is open and a bucket with filter is under the honey gate the entire time the extractor is operating. Extractors may have to be secured to a piece of plywood or a raised box.
  2. Uncapped frames should be placed in the baskets in a manner that they do not move or fall. Diagrams are included with the extractors.
  3. Slow rotation to start will prevent heavy honey frames from “blowing out”.
  4. Extract about 50% of the honey on the first side of the frame, then flip them over and extract all or most of the honey on the other side, then flip them back and finish extracting the first side.
  5. After extracting all frames, tipping the extractor and propping it up at an angle can facilitate getting the last honey out of the bottom of the machine. It must not be rotating when this is done.
  6. Clean the extractor by spraying down with water (outside is ok for this, realizing that bees will be attracted to the smell of honey. Work fast and/or do it at sunset/dark. ) until all honey is removed. Using a spray of “Krud Kutter” can clean off propolis. DO NOT SCRUB WITH ABRASIVES OR STEEL WOOL as this can scratch the surfaces making future cleanings difficult or in-effective. A final thorough rinse with a bleach solution followed by a final rinse will disinfect the machine. The same process can and should be used on all equipment borrowed.
  7. Return the extractor by 3 days. Your deposit will be returned when the equipment is returned in good condition and clean. There will be a $10 per day late fee (unless arrangements for return are made with the club to return it later due to the convenience of the club). The extractor may not be passed to another member for use. It must be returned to the club before being lent out to another member.