NY Bee Wellness Spring Survey & Bee Informed Partnership Annual Survey Now Available

You can help overall bee health by participating in some annual citizen science surveys.

NY Bee Wellness Spring Survey 2021

NY Bee Wellness would like to assess the situation for NON-migratory New York State beekeepers and their beehives. Information gathered is for beekeepers, and may help to determine trends in honeybee health.

Please complete the survey as best as you can and write any comments you feel that can add to future surveys and improve the NY Bee Wellness program.

Click the following link to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8F2CVFH

Bee Informed Partnership Annual Loss and Management Survey 2020-2021

The Bee Informed Partnership team, in collaboration with the Auburn University Bee Lab, are enthusiastically inviting all U.S. beekeepers to take part in this year’s survey. The survey is open from April 1 to April 30, 2021.

Take the Survey Today at: https://beeinformed.org/take-survey/

The BIP survey is the longest national effort to monitor honey bee mortality rates in the U.S. The Loss survey was initiated in 2006 by the Apiary Inspectors of America. Then in 2010 the Management section was added in collaboration with the vanEngelsdorp Bee Lab at the University of Maryland. The survey not only estimates the level of colony mortality in the country, but also allows us to identify management practices that are linked to colony mortality.

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