The Last Mite Treatment

This morning I was out in the apiary taking off robbing screens and replacing them with mouse guards and reducers.  It as in the low 40s, and no bees were flying.  But, several of the hives reacted to my scraping and rattling with the girls pouring out of the entrance to see what was going on.  Warmed my heart that they were strong enough to break cluster and mount a defense at 42 degrees!

Once that task was done, I went back into the warm house and spent the rest of Sunday morning on the couch with the “two dog foot-warmer” reading stuff about bees.  Found this great article on the timing of varroa mite treatment.  It really puts a lot together in place.  Here it is: Contact killer – The Apiarist

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and treat those bees for mites after that!  –Grace

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