Beekeeping Glossary

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There are currently 10 terms in this directory beginning with the letter B.
bait hive
A hive body or other box used to catch swarms.

bee bread
Bee bread is pollen that has been moistened by honey and honey bee glandular secretions and fermented by microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria, and fungi. Pollen in the form of bee bread is honey bees’ major source of protein, fats, and vitamins, and is an important nutrient source for the development of brood.

bee space
Bee space is 3/8”, which leaves enough room for bees to pass one another on opposite combs. If the space between combs is less than 3/8”, bees will likely fill it with propolis. It if is greater than 3/8”, the bees will tend to build burr comb to fill the space.

bee yard
See apiary.

See wax.

Biosecurity is the procedures and management practices one can take to reduce the spread of pests and pathogens.

Brood is the name given to the egg, larvae, and pupae stages of insects.

brood nest
The brood nest is the part of the hive where the brood is developing, distinct from the area where honey is being processed and stored. Conditions such as temperature are more important here, for the healthy development of brood.

brood pheromone
Brood pheromone is released by larvae and indicates its sex, caste, and age. It influences development and behavior of other bees, most notably by inhibiting the development of ovaries in workers.

burr comb
Burr comb is comb built anywhere the beekeeper doesn’t want it, namely between frames or hive bodies. It is likely to be built in spaces with dimensions that exceed the width of bee space.